My definition of personal style is a story that’s unique to everyone. I love a personalized approach to dressing up. Not so much what other people are wearing but more what each client enjoys to wear. Through an emotional connection to clothes my clients are able to live a happier life that remains true to their values.

I like to start with comfort. I build around select pieces that suit your lifestyle, look elegant, and feel like a warm embrace. Much how there is comfort food and music, good fashion, too, can soothe.

The fit is everything. My job is to ensure that every piece complements the body, looks polished and well-executed uniquely for the client. Confidence comes from knowing a piece not only looks perfect, but perfectly tailored for you.

Impeccable I is in constant search of pieces that have an innovative approach to simple techniques — pieces that are guaranteed to last from season to season. From the material — whether a silk or cashmere blouse, or lambskin lining in a bag — to the finishes and details, the sum is equal to the elegant and individual parts that make up the garment.

and elegance are not something you can buy. It’s an exclamation point to a state of mind. It’s in how you carry yourself, your demeanor when all the other elements come together. It can come easily to you, or we can work together toward that goal. 

"Through an emotional connection to clothes my clients are able to live a happier life that remains true to their values."